Parent Workshops

Computing and Coffee 

Each year, families are invited to join their children for a computing and coffee morning, alongisde our Online Safety and Computing Curriculum advisors from the Local Authority. The sessions are a wonderful opportunity for families to learn about the computing curriculum, complete activities on Google Classroom and Purple Mash together and have an update on the latest online safety messages, tips and tricks.  There's also plenty of tea and coffee available! 

Emotion Coaching 

Each year we host an emotion coach workshop our families. At the workshop, our SENDCo and external partners offer advice and guidance to families on supporting children's emotional development inlcuding tips and strategies on managing self-regulation at home. 


Throughout the year, families are invited into school to learn all about our Maths curriculum. Staff share information about our White Rose scheme of work, the units covered in each year group, our concrete, pictoral, abstract (CPA) approach and our calulation strategies. During the workshop, families learn how to support their children's maths at home in lots of different ways.


Each year, families are invited to a phonics workshop to learn more about our RWI phonics programme. In this workshop, we share how we teach and structure phonics across School, including how and when ditties and phonics books are sent home and changed. Families also get the chance to learn all about the different phonemes and graphemes as well as how we identify tricky words. Videos to support phonics at home are also shared. 


Our English Lead invites families to a reading workshop each year to share how we teach reading in school and how children can be supported at home.  During the workshop, we share information about our Key Stage 1 and 2 reading schemes, how books are changed and how reading is taught in our whole class reading sessions. 

Story Cafe 

Coming soon to Nursery and Reception! 

Wonder Weeks 

Each term, Nursery and Reception families are invited into the Early Years unit to complete exciting activities with their child.  Activities range from art and crafts, to cooking, gardening and even music making! The sessions are wonderful opportunities for families to see the fabulous learning that has been taking place and also allows staff to share advice and guidance on supporting the children's learning further.