
At Watling Street, we have an attendance target of 95% for every child. 

We place a high priority on our pupils attendance. We know that attending school every day is not only crucial for a child's academic progress and attainment but also for their mental health, wellbeing and safeguarding.

Please let school know on the first day of an unplanned absence as soon as practically possible  You can report absences to the school office in the following ways:

In line with DFE requirements, we do not authorise any holidays or planned absences from school. 

If you do decide to take your child out of school during term time, can we please ask that you complete the form below and return it to Mrs Manley in the school office, as soon as you know the dates of the absence. 

Paper copies of the form are available from the main office, or a member of staff on duty each morning on the playground.

Our attendance and late policy, including how we track, use and report the data is available for you here: