Summer Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.

This term we will be continuing to read a variety of different writing genres, both fiction and non-fiction and using our developing  skills to compose our own writing based on these styles including a story, a balanced argument and a biography. We will also be improving comprehension skills through regular comprehension exercises as the SATs are almost upon us.


We will be fine tuning our reasoning skills related to all the mathematical topics we have covered this year so far and continue to practise arithmetic skills. Once SATs are over, we will be consolidating our maths learning ready for the transition to secondary school.



Our first science topic this term is ‘How do we see?'. In this topic, we will be exploring light and how we are able to see. We will be conducting our own investigations into Shadows. 

Our final topic for this year will be ‘What happens when we change circuits?’ In this topic, we will be predicting and investigating what happens when we change various elements within a circuit eg the brightness of bulbs or the volume of a buzzer. 


As well as writing our own Blogs, we will be looking at networks, revisiting coding to create our own text adventures and quizzing throughout this term.



We will be finding out about the Ancient Maya civilisation and finding out about their daily lives and looking in depth at the development of their number and writing systems.



We will be looking at the fascinating subject of volcanoes -how they are formed, how they erupt , where they are located around the world and some of the effects of a volcanic eruption.

Form—We will be studying the life and work of the artists Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth and using this as inspiration for our own sculptures.



This term we will be investigating, designing and making our own 'Leaver's' badges.


Health and Wellbeing focussing on Growing Up and Living in the Wider World looking specifically at Money Matters.


What can we learn from religions about temptation? We will be discussing stories about temptation from both Christianity and Islam.

How do we express our spiritual ideas? We will be looking at the ways in which spiritual ideas can be expressed through the arts.




We will be learning to say, read and write vocabulary related to the topcs Leisure Time and School.



'You've Got a Friend in Me'

We will be studying, listening and appraising some of the musiccomposed by Carol King. We will also be performing through singing and playing glockenspiels.

Towards the end of the school year, we are looking forward to practising all of the songs we will be peforming in our Year 6 Leaver's Assembly.



Throughout the Summer Term, we will continue to practise spelling patterns from the whole of KS2 as well as Statutory Spellings from the Year 5 and 6 list.

As the weather improves, Tennis and Cricket will be our final two topics of the year. Children will learn how to play both of these sports and develop their skills each week.


Things spread quickly online— exploring how the things that we do online can spread quickly and how we need to be mindful of this when using the internet.

Selling stereotypes— Exploring how the media can play a powerful role in shaping our ideas about gender and challenge  and explain why it is important to reject inappropriate messages about gender online.



Children should continue to complete one Reading, Maths and SPAG test from their SATs revision books each week.

Once the SATs are over, we will return to Maths and English homework being set on a Monday for the following Monday.

BugClub reading and Times Table Rockstars should be completed every week to further develop comprehension and multiplication skills ready for High School.


Year 6 PE Day is Wednesday. PE kit should be worn to school on this day which consists of a coloured t-shirt matching their team colour, plain black shorts / joggers and a plain black hoodie.