Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


This term we will be exploring a range of Ted Hughes poetry as well as creating a variety of writing based on our story ‘Kick’ by Mitch Johnson which, as our first Whole Class Reading text of the year, will be used to help develop important reading skills..  We will be learning new spelling patterns and rules that we can use within our writing as well as gaining an improved understanding of more advanced grammar and punctuation.



Place value of numbers up to 10 million! Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division—using mental methods and formal written methods. We will also be doing lots of work on fractions and  increasing our knowledge of position and direction. Our daily arithmetic practise, including new calculation strategies for Year 6, will help to develop these important skills.




Our topic this term is Classifying Living Things, which includes understanding the Classification System for living things and being able to use keys to identify unknown  plants and animals. We will also be conducting an investigation into how micro-organisms develop in different conditions.

Our second topic will be Evolution and Inheritance where we will by thinking about

characteristics that are passed on from one generation to the next and how animals have adapted to suit their environments.



We will be continuing to improve and develop our coding skills to create and develop our own games including timers and score pads. Additionally, we will be looking at spreadsheets and how they can be used.




In History this term we will be studying the topic Crime and Punishment. We will be identifying different methods of punishments that were used during both the Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods through the use of primary and secondary evidence sources as well as looking for both differences and similarities between crimes and punishments then and now.  




Using the location of Brownhills as our starting point, we will be  developing map reading skills and then identifying cities, counties and regions of the UK before looking at

continents especially European countries and capital cities and using lines of longitude and latitude to locate places. This will then lead onto work about the world’s natural resources and international trade links.



Colour—The work of the artist David Hockney will be used as a starting point to help us explore how the use of colour can be used to show different moods, atmospheres and emotions,  and then use examples of his landscapes as the inspiration to create our own artwork.



Food and Nutrition—we will be looking at seasonality of fresh produce, tasting and evaluating a range of vegetable soups and finally cooking our own soup  using ingredients that we have chosen.



This term we are completing our topics entitled VIPs where we look at relationships with the special people in our lives and then move on to Being Safe looking at how we can take responsibility for our own safety and other ways to keep ourselves safe - in the real world and online.



Values—What Matters Most? - Exploring the ideas of right and wrong for both

Christians and Humanists and thinking about the values that matter to us.




Improving our French skills by saying, reading and writing vocabulary based on the

topics ‘Who Am I?’ and ‘Where I Live?’





Our first topic is called ‘Happy’ and our second is called ‘Classroom Jazz’. In both of these topics we will be listening to, appraising and performing along to a range of music and developing our musical skills week by week.




In Year 6 we revisit all of the spelling rules and patterns that have been taught throughout Key Stage 2, learn new Year 6 patterns and spell words form the Statutory list for Years 5 and 6.

Spellings are given out on Mondays and the weekly test will be on the following Monday.



Online Safety

We will be looking at why and how  we can make safer passwords  and  looking at how to communicate safely online.