Summer Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


In English this term, we will be reading ,writing and exploring a variety of text types, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will be developing our comprehension skills by analysing in detail, the narrative poem, The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes and a selection of Greek myths. In addition to this, we will be reading a digital Non-Fiction text called Museum of fun. We will also be learning  more spelling patterns and grammar rules to help improve our independent writing.




During the Summer Term, we will be continuing to develop a whole range of mathematical skills - building on our previous knowledge of numbers, calculation, problem solving, geometry, measurement and the tricky area of decimals. We will also be continuing to improve our knowledge of times tables, up to 12 x 12, and the division facts related to them.


Our science topic this term will be ‘Earth and space’ where we will discover the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon as well as learning about the planets that make up our Solar System. In Summer 2 we will be learning about Life cycles, where we will learn about  the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird, as well as being able to describe the changes as humans develop to old age.



This term we will be finishing off our work with ‘Databases’ where the pupils will be learning about fields and records and understanding how to word questions so that they can be effectively answered using a search of their database. They will also be completing a computer science topic called game creator. During this topic the pupils will be learning about the process of creating their own game.


During the Summer Term, the children will be learning about significant figures during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking times. They will also complete a local history study, where they will be learning about the Staffordshire hoard and making links with this, to our work on the Anglo-Saxons.


In geography we will be completing a land and sea topic where we will be finding out all about Mountains—finding out about features about mountain ranges, locating famous mountain ranges using longitude and latitude and to understand how fold mountains are formed.


 In art this term we will be completing a printing project, learning about the work of Wassily Kandinsky and Andy Warhol.


During this term, the children will be completing a project on Cooking and Nutrition where the children will plan, prepare and taste a range of pasta salad dishes.


This term we will be delivering the topics based on, Health and well being - 'It's my body' and Living in the wider world, 'Aiming high'.


In RE this term, we will find out about Christian Aid and Islamic relief as charities that support the less fortunate. We will also learn about fairness and justice within this unit of work.


In French this term, we will be learning words associated with the weather, we will learn key words and phrases including compass points so we can write and perform a short weather forecast.  We will also complete a topic called, 'In the town' where the children will learn the French names for different shops and amenities.                                                                 


This term, we will be listening to a range of Motown songs in our topic, ‘Dancing In the street’ where we learn about the style indicators for this genre of music as well as composing and playing songs to accompany this style of music.


This term the children will be learning to spell a range of words with different rules. These include: 


In PE this term, the children will be learning to play tennis in our net and wall games topic as well as learning the rules and how to play rounders, as part of our striking and fielding topic.

Online Safety

In Online Safety we will be learning about trustworthy sources and managing information online as well as learning about data and how it is used about you.

Important information:

Weekly homework will be set on Purple Mash every Friday. This homework will be available for one week before closing.

Purple Mash by 2Simple 

The children are also encouraged to complete Times Table Rock Star activities regularly to increase their accuracy and fluency of recalling their times tables.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars ( 

Pupils can also visit the bug club website where they can access their books online and complete a range of comprehension questions based on their book, once they've finished reading it.

Pearson Sign In 


PE - Every Thursday afternoon. The children must come to school in their PE kit for their afternoon lessons. Pupils should remove jewellery for this lesson before coming to school.