Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


We will be reading, writing and exploring a variety of text types, including

fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will be developing our comprehension skills by analysing in detail, poems by the poets Charles Causley and Michael Rosen and the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo.  We will also be learning spelling patterns and grammar rules to help improve our independent writing.

In Whole Class Reading we will be  reading Kensuke’s Kingdom, also by Michael Morpurgo.



We will be developing a whole range of mathematical skills, building on our

previous knowledge of numbers, calculation and problem solving. This will include looking at place value, rounding numbers up to 100000 and written methods of addition and subtraction of. We will also be continuing to improve our knowledge of times tables, up to 12 x 12, and the division facts related to them.




In science this term, we will be learning about Earth and Space, where our enquiry question will be investigating whether the sun moves? We will also be completing our forces topic, where we will investigate the different forces acting on a moving object.



Coding: During this unit of work the children will be learning how to simplify code, how to use variable in their code and to start coding at a basic level of abstraction to remove superfluous details from their program that do not contribute to the aim of the task. . We will also be completing a unit of work on spreadsheets where we will learn to create a formulae to calculate are and perimeter.




In History this year, year 5 will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. In the first two terms we will specifically learning about who they were, when they settled, why they settled and how. We will then move on to finding out about the Politics and power during this period of time in history.




In geography this term we will completing a Brownhills topic, locating Brownhills on a map of the West Midlands and learning which counties make up the West Midlands. We will also be learning about physical and human geographical features as well as the 8 points of a compass and reading a grid reference map of up to 6 figures.



 In art this term we will be learning about the artist Pablo Picasso. We will be focussing on our drawing skills and will develop these skills using a range of mediums such as pencil, charcoal, inks, chalk, pastels and computing software.



The children will be learning about mechanisms and structures. They will be learning about pulleys and gears and applying these mechanisms to their own structures.



During the autumn term year 5 will be completing the topics ‘Realtionships—Be yourself’ and  ‘Health & Well-being—Think positive’




 In RE this term we will be looking at commitments and meanings: What difference does it make to be committed to a religion



We will be learning numbers 20—100, and learning to use our understanding of names of the week and moths of the year to say, in French, when our birthday is.





Our first unit of work in music this year is Livin’ on a prayer where the pupils will be listening to, singing and appraising a range of rock songs.  From this, we will move onto classroom Jazz in Autumn 2, all the learning for this is focused around two tunes: Three Note Bossa and The Five Note Swing. We will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through both Playing instruments and improvising.




This term we will learn spelling rules such as words ending in -ably or -able, words with silent letters, Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c and other consonants, Exceptions to the i before e rule except after c, Words containing the letter string ough as well as learning statutory spellings.


Topics this term include outdoor games, striking and fielding activities and gymnastics.



Online Safety

 Acceptable use policy and logging in

The children will be discussing the Acceptable Use Policy and practising logging onto the website that we regularly use in class e.g Bug Club, TT Rockstars, the VLE and Purple Mash.  The children will learn to create and use strong and secure passwords.

They will be able to explain how many free apps or services may read and share their private information (e.g. friends, contacts, likes, images, videos, voice, messages, geolocation) with others. As well as this, they will be able to explain how and why some apps may request or take payment for additional content (e.g. in-app purhases) and explain why we should seek permission from a trusted adult before purchasing. Furthermore, they will be able to describe ways technology can affect healthy sleep and can describe some of the issues.