Summer Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


This term in English, Year 3 will be reading and enjoying a range of books from legends to information, and mystery. The children will be learning to write their own narratives, explanation texts and ebbed these with all of the English skills they have learned.


Maths will consist of learning how to add and subtract fractions, telling the time to a minute, using money, and exploring the angles of different shapes. The children will be challenged to answer reasoning and problem-solving questions on these topics, and widen their mathematical understanding.


In Science this term, the children will be learning about the function and importance of the skeleton and how maintaining a balanced diet contributes to a healthy body. Following this, the children will investigate light sources and how light travels.


The children will be learning about branching databases. This involves structuring a computerised database using YES/NO questions to find a route to an answer.


Year 3's History learning will be surrounded around ancient civilisations with an in-depth study of the Egyptians. The children will learn about where and when the ancient Egyptian civilisation existed, their rituals and beliefs, and their writing system.


In Geography, we will be studying the formation and features of rivers. The children will learn about the different parts of rivers, how they are formed and where in the UK we might find the most famous rivers.


In art this term, we will be exploring printing. We will observe the art of Victorian artist William Morris and explore the way he used floral and natural patterns to create wallpaper and tapestry through repetitive patterns.


In DT, to correspond with the children's learning in Science, we will be working to develop a moving skeleton. The children will plan, design and develop a moving skeleton using a range of materials, ensuring it can move at the appropriate joints.


This term, the children will be learning all about their body and what it needs. We will discuss balanced diets, hygiene and the importance of sleep and the impact of these on the body. Following this, we will discuss our goals and what we can do to aim high.


In RE this term, we will be continuing our learning of different religions' pilgrimages and their importance. Following this, we will consider what makes Jesus inspirational to Christians and the impact He has on their lives.


We will be learning the words for different domesticated animals in the French language. We will learn whether an animal is a masculine or feminine noun and be able to answer questions about them.


In music, we will be listening to and appraising a new song from the rhythm and blues genre. The children will learn to sing, play the glockenspiel and discuss the features of different R&B songs.


The children's weekly spellings will be posted on Google Classroom. These of which correspond with the spelling booklet that has already been handed out to the children. There will also be a weekly spelling quiz set on Purple Mash for each set of spellings and the spelling test will happen each Friday during English lessons.


We will be using our learned, transferrable skills in a tennis and rounders setting. This may include catching, throwing, hitting and changing direction. We will also work on our athletics in preparation for Sports Day.

Online Safety

Our online safety lessons will be all about using and making appropriate avatars that are reflective of our person and are safe. Following this, we will discuss the positive and negative impact of using autocomplete and how it is important to reread what we have written before it is sent.

As Year 3 have PE lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays every week, they are welcome to come to school in their PE kits for these days.

Spelling and homework are set every Friday on Google Classroom and Purple Mash.

Reading books will be changed regularly. There is a red tray in the classroom where children can put their completed book after they have finsihed their BugClub questions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Beardsmore at