Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


In English this term, we will be covering fiction, non-fiction and poetry. In these units we will be reading, enjoying and analysing a variety of different text types including: narrative, instruction writing, non-chronological reporting and performance poetry.


In maths this term, we will be covering several different topics, including: number and place value, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.


Our first science topic will be Magnets and Forces. We will be learning about how magnets and forces react to a variety of materials and over different distances. Our second topic will be Rocks and Soils. We will be investigating different types of rocks and how hard or soft they are. We will also investigate the contents of different types of soil.


Our first topic in computing is coding. This is where we understand how a program is made and how to debug it if there is a problem. The second topic is Spreadsheets which will include collecting data and presenting it in different ways.


In history, we will be learning about prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, We will learn who, what, when, where and why events happened in these ages; exploring settlements, crime and punishment and the life of children during these times.


In geography, we will be learning about the different types of settlements that there are and compare them in different areas from around the United Kingdom. We will explore human and physical characteristics and how they are different in various places of the UK.


 This term in art, we will be exploring texture using pencil and other art materials such as chalk and oil pastels. We will develop our skills by creating pieces of art that show texture and depth similar to that of artists.


Our unit in DT will be: Let’s make a purse! We will be designing, making and evaluating money containers using different materials and sewing skills.


The children will be learning and discussing their individual and unique characteristics and why being themselves is important. They will also be learning about the impact of thinking positive on their health and wellbeing.


Our first RE unit will be an exploration of holy buildings and places of worship. We will be enquiring about the different places that different religions visit to worship and compare the similarities and differences between these.


In French this term, our first topic will be greetings where we will be practising saying and writing the key vocabulary for greetings such as hello, goodbye, and my name is. Our second topic is numbers 1-10 and this will involve the use of number in money, time and age.


In music, we will begin with listening to, appraising and learning songs from the Rhythm and Blues genre. We will be learning about the pulse, tempo and rhythm of the music. Then, we will begin to learn how to play the recorder and improvising with the pieces of music.


The children will have a weekly spelling test every Friday. They will have the opportunity to practise their weekly spellings throughout the week in school, and they will be posted onto Google Classroom. Practise quizzes will also be set on PurpleMash.

At the beginning of the year, a Spelling Focus Overview will be sent home with the children.


In PE, the children will be working on their agility and fitness. They will practise jogging, running, jumping and landing with the correct techniques.

The children will be learning the fundamentals of hockey and applying their transferrable skills to the game.

Online Safety

The focus for Online Saftey this term is logging in safely and agreeing to an Online Safety Acceptable Use Policy. The children will also learn the importance of powerful possword in protecting our personal information.