Spring Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


We will be reading, writing and exploring a variety of text types, including

fiction and non-fiction books. We will be reading a range of classic fairy tales as well as learning about the process of making chocolate. Throughout this term we will be focusing on word classes, sentence types and tenses. 


We will continue to build on our multiplication and division skills as well as learning about statistics, problem solving and further developing our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes.


This term we will be learning about plants, answering the question 'What makes daffodils bloom in spring?' Before moving on to our living things and their habitats topic, where we find out why we need bees. 


During our questioning unit of work the children will be developing their knowledge of pictograms as well as understand what a database is and what it is used for. We weill also be leanring about how to search online effectively and safely. 



Our first topic this term is History's famous faces, we will be learning all about Florence Nightingale, what she did for the country and why she is so famous.  We will then move onto changes that have happened within living memory, where we will be thinking all about the clothing we wear and how they are different to the clothes our parents and grandparents wore. 



In Geography we will comparing our local area to Tulum in Mexico.  We be looking at maps and aerial photographs of both areas and thinking about the human and physical features and their similarities and differences. 


In Art this term we will be learning about the artist Janelle Pietrzak. We will be focussing on textures and colours and will develop these skills to create our own art inspired by Janelle Pietrzak.


In DT this term we will be looking aty cooking and nutrition. We will thinking about food in the UK and comparing it food in Brazil, we will following the journey of food from field to our fork.


Our topics in PSHE this term one world and how we all live in it and how relationships in a team can be strong and help us succeed.  



In RE this term we will be learning about new beginnings, different religious stories, forgiveness and a range of celebrations, such as Easter.


In Music this term we will be looking at the unit: I Wanna Play In A Band. We will be listening to, singing and appraising a range of songs. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose, children will listen and appraise classic Rock songs.

Online Safety

This term we will completing our online reputation unit, learning about how digital trails are made and our online bullying unit, finding out how we put a STOP to online meanness 


The children will continue to be sent spellings home each week. They will be assessed on a Thursday or Friday and be issued with new ones.  Thank you for your support.  


In PE we will be improving our agility skills, traveling in different directions and changing speed and height, before moving onto controlling different sized objects.