Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.

In English we will be working with a non-fiction text 'All About Orangutans'.  I am sure that your children will be able to tell you some super facts!  We will be writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We will be paying particular attention to our handwriting, presentation and spellings.  Please continue to practise your child's spellings with them.  

In poetry we will be developing our vocabulary choices and our understanding of rhythm and rhyme.

In Maths we will be working on number, place value, addition and subtraction.  We will be working with numbers to 100.  We will be identifying tens and ones in 2 digit numbers.  Please practise reading and writing numbers in numerals and words up to 100. 


Our topic in Science is 'Animals including Humans'.  We will be;

Matching, sorting and grouping young animals and their adults.

Looking at how animals change as they grow into adults.

Comparing the stages of the human life cycle

Researching what animals including humans need to survive

Identifying the effects of exercise on the human body.

Investigating the importance of healthy eating and hygiene. 

In computing this term we will be learning what coding is and how it is used.  We will learn what an algorithm is and use this to create a simple computer program.


In History we will be finding out all about 'The Great Fire of London'.  We will be completing a range of fun activities around this topic and finding out some fantastic facts.  Please ask your child to talk to you about this topic and let them teach you!

We will also be learning about the heritage of our local area.


In Geography we will be learning about the UK and our local area.  We will be comparing this with Talum in Mexico.

The artist we will be looking at is a French artist called 'Henri Matisse.  We will find out some background information about him and how his journey began.  We will be looking at some of his pieces of art and comparing them with other artists pieces of art.  We will create our own pieces of art in the style of Henri Matisse.



This half term in DT we are learning about structures linked to the Great Fire of London.  We will be exploring structures, looking at their purpose, who might use them and what materials they are made from.  We will create structures exploring strength and stability using a range of materials.  The children will design, make and evaluate their own structures. 


We will be discussing and completing activities on relationships and the important people in our lives.  We will also be be learning about our health and wellbeing.



We will be learning about how and why different festivals/celebrations are celebrated.


Online Safety

Health, wellbeing and Lifestyle - I can explain simple guidance for using technology in different environments and settings e.g. accessing online technologies in public places and the home environment. I can say how those rules / guides can help anyone accessing online technologies. 



We will be listening to a range of different music and learning to sing songs as well as performing to an audience.  We will learn how to play the glockenspiel to a piece of music.



The children will continue to be sent spellings home each week. They will be assessed on a Thursday or Friday and be issued with new ones.  Thank you for your support.  


Autumn 1 - core strength & balance 

Fundamental Skills  -

rolling, running, jumping, dribbling, dodging & aiming 

Autumn 2 - locomotion, travelling & agility, strength & balance

Fundamental skills  -

skipping, stability, throwing & catching