Summer Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


As part of our fiction unit we will be exploring two stories written by the author Simon Bartram, Man on the Moon and Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary. 

We will also be reading poems about Growing Up. Later on in the term we will also study a unit called Top Jobs, a non-fiction unit where we will explore the fantastic jobs we might choose to do when we grow up. Key aspects of this term will be extending the children’s writing, using adjectives, more difficult punctuation and spelling improvement.

Phonics will continue to be taught daily with a focus on securing all of the sounds necessary to enable us to be fluent readers.



 We will be securing our place value skills in numbers up to 100. We will be further developing our addition and subtraction skills, including the use of these skills to solve one and two step problems.  We will also be looking at multiplication and division; grouping and sharing into groups of 2, 5 and 10. Finally we will investigate the positions of objects and the direction they move in. We will also be learning about time and money.


Our science topic is ‘Animals including humans’. During this topic we will be looking at different types of animals, their diet and habitats.  We will be finding out which animals see in the dark and how they see in the dark.  


 We will be learning about ‘Coding and how to log onto a chromebook’. 


 In History we will be exploring Famous Queens.  We will learn what a monarch is and we will explore Tudor life, Queen Elizabeth the I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the II.  We will compare the three Queens, looking at similarities and differences.  Later on we will be learning about 'The Gunpowder Plot'



Our topic this term ‘My World and Me’.  We will be looking at the world map to find out where the UK, the poles and the equator are situated.  We will be comparing the capital city of the UK with another capital city.  We will identify and explore physical and human features.  Finally we will create our own map with a key.  After half term we will be starting our topic 'Land and Sea - Let's go on Safari'.

During this half term we will be starting to look at the artist 'Augusta Savage' looking at form and sculpture.  We will be visiting our local area and completing our very own sculptures using natural materials.



After half term we will be learning about healthy eating and where healthy foods come from.  We will be making our own 'Healthy Sandwich' using different ingredients.


We will be learning about our 'Health and Wellbeing' as well as 'Living in the Wider World'.



 In RE we will be learning about ‘’Sikhism’ and the things that are important to people who worship the Sikh faith.





Your Imagination -  by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman

We will be listening to a range of different music and learning to sing songs as well as performing to an audience.



Please practise your child's spellings that are sent out on a Friday.  


 PE takes place each week on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please remember to send your children to school in their PE clothes.

Children should not wear any jewellery and earrings must be removed before they come to school. Children with long hair should have their hair tied up, especially on PE days.

 This half term we will be focusing on net and wall skills and gymnastics.

Online Safety

 People online 

(Self-image and identity)

recognising that there may be people online who could make me feel sad, embarrassed or upset and who to speak to if you experience any of these feelings.

PE takes place on a Tuesday and a Friday.

Please send children in with their reading books every day.

The children are offered a healthy snack every day, however if they would like to bring a snack from home please feel free to send it in with them.