Spring Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


In our English lessons this term we will be exploring the features of traditional tales. We will learn how to sequence stories, write character descriptions and our very own traditional tale. 

We will be building on our knowledge and skills by studying another non-fiction text about ‘Elephants,’ and learning to write more complex information texts.

We will also be exploring pattern and rhyme in our Poetry unit.


In Maths we will be developing our understanding of addition and subtraction within 20, improving our recall and problem solving skills. We will be developing and securing our place value skills within 50 and we will also be working hard to develop our understanding of measurement, exploring height and length, weight, volume and capacity. 



In Science we will be completing our learning topic about materials by carrying out our own investigations. We will also be identifying changes that we see in Winter.

We will also be learning all about plants and seeds. We will be identifying and naming deciduous and evergreen trees, learn about the structure of plants and make our own herbarium! We will learn what We will be learning about changes in Spring. 

It’s the 30th anniversary of British Science Week. On the 15th March we will have a Science day- The children will be investigating the topic of ‘Time!’ 

As part of British Science week, we will take part in a Science Day on the 15th March, where we spend the day investigating the topic on time.




In History we will be learning all about the life of a Victorian child and how the lives of children are so different now. We will be exploring the types of jobs that children carried out during the Victorian era and the impact this had on their lives and futures.

We will also learn about changes within living memory when we explore toys from the past. The children will explore the kind of games that children in the Victorian era once played.



We will be learning all about our local park, Holland park in Geography this term, thinking about how people get there and how we can collect information about the key features of our park. We will use this to present some data about the park and how it is used by the public. 


In Art we will be learning about the artist Andy Warhol and the pop art prints he produced. We will learn about making patterns, his use of colour, and how he used repeating portraits to create some of his most famous pieces. We will also be creating some pop art of our own which we can’t wait to share with you in our end of term exhibition. 


Children will learn about fabrics and materials and how we can use these to create art and to print. Children will be creating their own ‘Fabric Faces’ to share with you at our Art Exhibition at the end of term. 


Children will learn about life in diverse Britain and how they can become responsible citizens, by helping those around them to improve their local community.


Children will learn about the Creation story and what this means in different religions. Children will also learn about the Easter story and why this is important to christians. 

Online Safety

Children will practise following rules to keep themselves safe online and learn how passwords can protect our information, accounts and devices. They will develop their understanding of how to keep their information safe online and why it is important to check with a trusted adult before sharing any information about themselves online. 


Children learn a specially written song to learn about different styles of music including blues, latin, bhangra and folk music. Children will also learn a song called Round and Round which is written in a Bossa Nova latin style. 


In Year 1 children will continue to learn spelling through their developing knowledge of phonics and applying this to their independent writing. Children will also continue to learn to spell the Year 1 common exception words in their weekly spelling tests and the national curriculum spellings through their English lessons. 


Children will develop their agility, core strength and balance through a range of activities and using a range of equipment to sprint, jump and skip.