Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


In our English lessons we will be reading some fun filled fiction texts set in familiar settings. We will develop our understanding of non-fiction texts and use these to find out interesting animal facts. We will also be studying poetry all about our senses. Key aspects of this term will be sentence structure, punctuation and using simple conjunctions.



This term we will be having fun with numbers and developing our understand of place value within ten. We will also be securing our understanding of addition and subtraction within ten. Towards the end of term we will be learning more about 2D and 3D shape and patterns. 



In our science topics this term we will be finding out about humans and animals. We will learn about humans and our five senses and the names of the different body parts of animals and humans. We will also be exploring the season of Autumn and how this affects the world around us. Towards the end of this term we will explore materials and their properties.



In our Computing lessons we will be learning how to use Purple Mash. We will be learning to log in, create Avatars, access our saved work and ways to keep ourselves safe online. We will also learn to group and sort objects and pictures within Purple Mash and how to collect information and create pictograms.



In our History topic this term we will be learning all about the historic event of the Gunpowder Plot. We will learn about the significant events of the plot and why we celebrate bonfire night to this very day. We will also learn about the history of Watling Street School in our Local Heritage unit and how our school has changed over time.



In Geography we will be learning all about our Local area of Brownhills, the physical and human landmarks that we recognise and how we can locate these on a map. We will also learn about human settlements, learning specifically about towns, how a town grows from a village and what we would expect to see in a town.


The artist we will be learning about this term is Vincent Van Gogh.  We will be learning some interesting facts about the artist and putting some of the skills he used in his work to produce our own pieces of art ready for our art exhibition at the end of term. 



In Design and Technology we will begin to explore and use simple mechanisms. We will design, make and use sliders and hinges to make our own moving pictures.


In PSHE we will be learning about all of the things that are important to us as individuals,. Why we are special, how we experience uncomfortable feelings and what we can do to make this feel better and how to be a good friend. We will also be learning about ways to manage our health and wellbeing.



In RE we will learn about how people celebrate different events in different religions, why these celebrations are important and how they make those celebrations special.



Online Safety

 In our online safety lessons we will learn how to keep ourselves safe online, how to protect our personal information and how to treat others online. We will also learn about Avatars and why we use them and how we use passwords to protect our information, accounts and devices.


In music this term we will learn about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch and to learn how to rap and enjoy it in its original form. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose we will listen to and appraise other Old-School Hip Hop tunes. We will also be learning songs for our Nativity performance in December.



In Year 1 we learn to spell in our RWI phonics lessons using our sounds to help us. We also practice National Curriculum spellings in our English lessons.

Our spelling homework will be set on the Year 1 Common Exception word spelling list.


In our PE lessons we will be developing our core strength and balance and learning the skills of travelling and moving in different ways, learning to jump, roll and move safely.