Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


In Literacy this term we will be reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. We will be retelling the story and reading different versions.

In the second half of the Autumn Term we will be reading the Funnybones stories. We will begin to write initial sounds and simple cvc words.


In Maths this term we will be doing lots of mental maths!

Rote counting to 10 forwards and backwards

Rote counting to 20

Recognising Numerals to 10

Ordering Numerals to 10

Subitising to 5

Recognising Number bonds to 3

Adding zero

We will become familiar with numbers to 5.



In science we will be learning about our bodies. We will learn the names of different parts of the body and how they move. We will research using books and technology.


We will be learning lots of drawing skills. We want to learn:

To be able to select colours.

To be able to mark make purposefully on the screen 

To be able to choose tools to experiment with. 

 To be able to control the pencil width 


Hospitals now and long ago

What are hospitals like now? What rules do we have in hospitals now - regarding hygiene?

Look at pictures of wards and operating theatres from now and in the past. How have they changed?

Briefly look at a famous nurse from the past - Florence Nightingale. Who was she? What did she do?



Our Local Area –

Local maps

Homes we live in

Our way to school - map the journey


 Find out some facts about the artist James Rizzi

Creating collage and chalk building pictures in the style of Rizzi


House building (linked to 3 little pigs)

Straw, recycled materials, a range of joining materials

Using a range of materials 

joining (split pins) (linked to funnybones)

Can you put a skeleton together correctly?

Use split pins to show joints moving.

Seasonal - Making pumpkin pie


PE is on a Monday. All children should come to school in PE kit.

During the first half of Autumn Term we will be improving our Core Strength & Balance 

During the second half of Autumn term we will  be developing our Locomotion - Travelling & Agility - footwork patterns & spatial awareness 


We will be learning all about friendship in RE. We will talk about how to be a good friend and how to take care of each other.

We will also read some special stories

Online Safety

We will be identifying the rules that keep us safe and healthy online.

We will be able to describe ways in which people can be unkind online.


We will be doing lots of singing in music this term.

We will find the beat in a song and tap out the rhythm