Summer Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


During this term we will be reading and exploring the stories “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” “Jack and the Beanstalk” and "Supertato."  We will be sequencing and retelling stories  together with actions and puppets, developing our use of story language and building our vocabulary.  

We will also be learning our Set 1 sounds in Phonics for reading and writing.  

Focus activities and enhanced provision in the classroom will  support our chosen stories and will help the children to learn about the world around us.


In Maths this half term we will be  exploring more and less than given numbers, and learning all about sequencing, positional language, 2D and 3D shapes.

Next half  term we will be learning all about time - 'our day', 'what comes before?' 'what comes after?' as well as continuing to dig deeper with our numbers to 5 by exploring the composition of numbers within 5, writing our numerals, and solving problems within 5. 


As part of our Hungry Caterpillar story we will be learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly by having our very own caterpillars in the Nursery classroom to observe and look after! 

We will also be exploring materials as part of our Elves and the shoemaker story to find out which materials are waterproof and what happens to materials when they are wet or dry?

Next half term we will be planting and growing our own beanstalks and also learning about healthy eating and how fruit and vegetables grow. 



We are going to develop our computer skills using Purple Mash, selecting our own colours, patterns and tools to create pictures relating to our topics. 

We will also be learning how to use a camera to take photographs of our caterpillars.  


We are going to be learning all about the King to prepare us for the King’s Coronation! We will be  making decorations for our Family Picnic. 


We are going to be finding out all about 'Our World' by looking at the globe and a world map to identify the seas and land. We will begin to have a look at other countries in our world and talk about our own holidays and experiences. 

We will also explore the season of Summer and talking about how to keep safe in the sun.


We will be learning all about Matisse – using collage and experimenting with texture and colour to create our own art work in the style of Matisse. 

Next half term we will create our own observational paintings in the style of Van Gogh’s sunflowers. 


This half term we will be like real shoemakers, having a go at sewing felt together using a needle and thread to make our own slippers or shoes!  We will then decorate them using a range of materials - very exciting!


'Happy and Healthy Me'

We will be identifying things which keep us healthy:

Washing our hands effectively.
Being able to brush our teeth.
Explain why brushing teeth is important.
Talking about how to make someone feel better.
Explaining rules for being safe around medicines.






We will continue with our Charanga Music learning some new songs in the 'favourite songs' collections. These include: I go Africa, Marching Band, Ship on the ocean, Zappy mends the roof.  We will have a go at playing instruments to the beat of the music.  



As part of our outdoor provision we will be developing our gross motor skills by climbing, balancing, building, and exploring gross motor mark making. 

The children will also begin to practise for their sports day and take part in some sports day races!

Online Safety

Text- Webster's bedtime
(Digital footprint and reputation)

 We will be discussing different uses of devices and times of use. 

Busy Bags are handed out on Wednesdays and are due in on Mondays.

Maths chats are handed out on Thursdays and are due in on Mondays. 

Children can bring home a sharing story every day to read through with you, please bring these back in every morning to change. 

Please ensure all clothes and belongings are named, particularly jumpers and cardigans. 

As the weather gets warmer please ensure children bring in a named water bottle and named sun hat.