Autumn Term

Please click on the subject icon to find out more about what we will be learning this term.


During this term we will be focusing on key Nursery Rhymes including The Wheels on the Bus, Row row row your boat, Incy Wincy Spider, Miss Polly had a dolly, Humpty Dumpty and Five little firemen.  We will learn these rhymes together and use actions and role play to support children's language, understanding, retelling, and remembering as well as promoting a love of rhymes and stories.  Supporting stories include: You can't take an elephant on a bus, Water, The Aargh Spider, Room on the Broom, Peppa goes to hospital and That's not my fire engine.   


 During this term we will be learning all about colours, matching, sorting and pattern. This will be taught in a practical way using lots of songs, stories and objects to support children's understanding.  

We will learn all about Number 1 and 2 by using the Numberblocks characters, counting using objects and pictures, recognising  the numeral, exploring dot patterns, and begin to subitise these amounts. 


Our science topics will link to our Nursery Rhyme of the week. During the term we will be exploring vehicles and finding out which vehicles move faster using ramps and tunnels.  How can we make them faster or slower? How else can we make the vehicles go?

We will also be finding out all about spiders; what do they look like? Where do they live? How do they make their webs? 

As part of the People who help us topic we will find out how to keep ourselves healthy.


 This term we will be developing our drawing skills using our Purple Mash paint resources online. All children will receive a log in for this so they can practise their skills at home too. 

Children will have a go at selecting their own colours, making purposeful marks, control the pencil width, select tools, use 'undo' and 'erase'.


As part of our People who help us topic we will begin to find out about the lives of people today such as doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, paramedics.  We will also look at old photographs of people who help us to see how they have changed.  We will find out what jobs are in our families and talk about jobs we might want to do when we grow up. 



As part of our all about me week we will talk about where we live in the town of Brownhills. We will look at pictures of houses in the streets that children live and find out about key places in Brownhills the children like to visit. We will explore the area using google street maps to see if children recognise their favourite places. 

We will also explore what happens during the season of Autumn. 


 Our chosen artist for this term is Jackson Pollock. He was famous for action painting so the children will have a go at making a large scale piece of artwork by using a drip painting technique. 


During DT the children will have the opportunity to explore junk modelling materials and make some models linked to our Nursery rhyme vehicles such as buses and boats.  The children will learn how to cut and join materials. 


During this term we will be exploring the topic "Me and My School."  We will begin to understand our school rules and routines and be able to follow them, and to use the names of the children and adults they meet in school. 

We will then move on to "Me and my safety" where we will learn all about using tools and equipment safely, how to keep themselves safe, and talk about some of the ways to keep safe around dogs. 


During this term we will introduce the children to our music scheme 'Sing up' and learn some songs all about making new friends. 


As part of our outdoor provision we will be developing our gross motor skills by climbing, balancing, building, and exploring gross motor mark making. 


Online Safety

 We will be finding out about the technology around us and how we can use it safely.